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Development of Work Skills on Individual Empowerment by Applying Neuroleadership Studies

Authors: Dr. Massimo Dagnino
Conference:  World Congress on Rehabilitation 2024
Keywords: Empowerment, Neuro Leadership, SCARF Model, Trust, Organizational Change


Empowerment is a concept that expresses the person’s self-determination to participate in social and working life. There are two types of empowerments: at the individual level, which is based on principles such as having choices, new opportunities and experiencing new situations; at a psychosocial organizational level based on recovering from the marginalization of subjects by giving them the time necessary to carry out the work, an organizational action linked to personal growth. Empowerment is an adaptation process that requires a specific organizational model with clear and precise schemes. Neuro leadership finds space in this context, offering valuable knowledge on how the leader can assist his team by improving their management processes, adopting David Rock’s STATUS-CERTANTY-AUTONOMY-RELANTEDNESS-FAIRNESS (SCARF) model. The model is based on five axioms that the leader should apply in the workplace to best bring out people’s empowerment. Let’s see in detail what they indicate: STATUS: refers to personal prestige, what facilitates Status is learning, for example by getting collaborators involved and entrusting them with increasingly more demanding tasks. CERTAINTY: represents the certainty of generating a greater sense of security and consequently well-being, the Leader must not be afraid to share information with the Team always giving Feedback, and people feel more involved. AUTONOMY: autonomy generates trust and a sense of responsibility, on the contrary, control generates defensive behavior in the human brain. RELATIONSHIP: we are relational beings, although we live in the social era, we have a growing need for relationships, healthy ones that generate acceptance and trust. FAIRNESS: Fairness, in the sense of fairness, fairness, and justice is considered rewarding, improving communication promotes fairness. In one experiment, volunteers played a computer game called Cyberball, while their brains were scanned by a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine. It was noted that in people not involved in the game, the same part of the brain responsible for pain was activated. Conclusions Given this, dissonant managers trigger a negative response in the brain leading to mistrust, whereas leaders who understand this dynamic can involve people more in work, with greater trust linked to oxytocin called the trust hormone. If managed carefully, major and equitable organizational change is likely to occur by applying the SCARF model.


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