Open Access Directory- Emirates Scholar Research Center

Open Access Directory

All our publications will be published as Open Access, which indicates that the piece will be freely accessible to any all our registered members, no matter where they are located in the globe.

At the time that your article is being considered for publication, you will have to sign publishing agreement to make it open access. Any piece that is sent to Emirates Scholar Research Center with the intention of being published will through the same rigorous process of peer review, as well as professional editing and production, and will be made available to a global audience. On our website, each one of our articles has access to the same high degree of functionality.

Unless otherwise specified under the “Submitting articles” link on the journal’s homepage, the normal charge for making your paper open access is Two Hundred Fifty USD for each piece that is approved.

What are the steps involved in the procedure?

You need to follow the standard procedures for submitting your work to the Emirates Scholar publication of your choosing. When your article has been reviewed and found to be suitable for publication, you will be offered the option of publishing it in the conventional manner or making it available to the public through open access. If you decide to go with the open access alternative, you will be required to fill out an order form, choose an open access license, and decide on a payment method. You can pay with a credit card, or you can send an invoice to the organization that is funding your research if you have their permission.

What are my Open Access Licensing options?

Emirates Scholar provides writers of open access publications with the opportunity to select between two Creative Commons licenses in order to permit the open publishing of their works:

CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

The following is stated on the website of Creative Commons: “Under this license, others are permitted to share your work, as well as remix it, modify it, and build upon it, even for commercial purposes, so long as they give you credit for the initial invention. This license is the one that provides the greatest leeway for flexibility. Suggested for the widest possible distribution and usage of content that have been licensed.”

CC BY-NC-ND: Creation Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0

According to the website of Creative Commons: “This license is the most restricted of the six primary CC licenses, only enabling people to download your works and share them with others as long as they acknowledge you, but they can’t alter them in any way or use them commercially.”

Please take notice that beginning on April 1, 2013, any writers whose research work has been financed by Research Councils UK (RCUK) or the Wellcome Trust are required to pick the CC BY license in order to comply with the requirements imposed by those respective funders. Other sources of funding will have their own individualized guidelines. When deciding on a license, you should confirm that it satisfies the criteria set out by your own research funder; after they have been published, licenses cannot be modified in any way.

What is allowed with respect to the published article?

Articles licensed under either CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND licenses may have any version posted on any website by anyone without embargo; however, please note:

  • Articles licensed under the CC BY license may be used for commercial purposes by anyone
  • Articles licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND license may not be used for commercial purposes by anyone and not used to create derivative work by transforming or building upon the article by anyone other than you

If you post your article on any website or repository, acknowledgement in the form of a full citation should be given to the journal as the original source of publications, together with a link to the journal webpage and/or DOI as soon as they are available. Such information will help in getting the work cited. you can communicate with us through this link

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