Efficacy of inclusive education in enhancing employment opportunities for PwDs: An analysis
Authors: Seema Tuli
Conference: World Congress on Rehabilitation 2024
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Employment Opportunities, Persons with Disabilities, Policy Alignment, Vocational Skill Development
Background- Inclusive education emphasises providing equal access to education and equal opportunities for participation for diverse learners. Historically, persons with disabilities have faced significant barriers to accessing education and employment opportunities, resulting in social exclusion and economic marginalization. However, the adoption of inclusive education practices has emerged as a promising framework for promoting the rights and capabilities of persons with disabilities, including their integration into the workforce. A review of the best practises “Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities: A Review of Best Practices” authors Smith, J., & Johnson, A. Journal of Special Education, vol. 40, no. 4, 2019 provides a comprehensive understanding of best practices in inclusive education for students with disabilities, focusing on effective instructional strategies, accommodations, and support services. Aim -This paper delves on the hypothesis that despite the extensive literature available on perspective of promoting and identifying job roles for persons with disabilities (including enhanced social inclusion, improved academic outcomes, and increased self-confidence), there is lack of synergy between inclusive education practices and desired employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. Thus, impacting inclusive education outcomes, particularly in terms of fostering employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Method- Through a mixed-method approach , the primary quantitative data was collected from 21 schools/NGOs ( 9 government, 7 private,5 NGOs) , 5 private firms/MNCs, 5 vocational skill development agencies and 7 government organisations. The survey incorporated Likert-scale questions and open-ended questions to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. The interviews will be semi-structured to allow for rich and detailed responses. Additionally, qualitative interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, employers, and individuals with disabilities, to gain diverse perspectives and experiences on employment of persons with disabilities and into potential areas of policy misalignment and their impact on employment outcome. Case Study The case study of -Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust, Karkardooma , Delhi shall be discussed which has been successfully implementing the concept of incorporating the concept of holistic approach of pre-vocational skill development training from primary classes , social and emotional learning(SEL), Universal design for learning (UDL) and individual vocational plans (IVPs) from primary classes. Results and Discussion: The researcher will be able to identify potential misalignments, inconsistencies, or gaps in inclusive education and employment policies leading to challenges faced by individuals with disabilities during the transition from education to employment. It will also enhance existing knowledge and will give additional inputs for promoting inclusion. The importance of teacher training programmes shall also be discussed. Implications and Conclusion: The research findings will have significant implications for policy development and implementation, highlighting the need for cohesive strategies to bridge the gap between inclusive education and employment policies. The results shall provide a comprehensive understanding of how the lack of synergy between inclusion and employment policies contribute to limited employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, thus hindering the goals of inclusive education. It will also provide inputs to bridge the gap and will be a step forward to meet the sustainable development goals.