Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence for rehabilitation service in the age of digital

Authors: Jakob Kort
Conference:  World Congress on Rehabilitation 2024
Keywords: Technological Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Rehabilitation Services, Integrated Customer Journey, Occupational Health


Technological innovation is advancing, as is data proliferation and the pace at which new services based on the analysis of these data pools are being developed. This opens up service opportunities for integrated rehabilitation and prevention services in order to support the goals of Vision Zero. Thereby the presentation will focus on the potential of Artificial Intelligence for the common good. To contribute innovative, AI-based approaches of social security in Germany, BG BAU and BG Kliniken will highlight some digital best practices, emphasizing the advantages of joined services in the German accident insurance scheme and thereby an integrated customer journey from prevention, over medical treatment and rehabilitation to finally re-integration at work. In this context, an AI-platform implemented in 2023 by BG BAU will be demonstrated, which analyzes millions of data points to predict which companies and construction sides have a higher risk of accidents and occupational diseases then other, so that adequate prevention and rehabilitation activities can be initiated especially for these enterprises. This project was funded by the German Ministry of Labour and Social and was launched in December 2023 at the World Conference in Sidney. Based on the core ideas of this platform, best practices of AI-based rehabilitation services mostly in use at BG Kliniken will be presented to the audience as well as a joined pilot project between BG BAU und ukb which aims to guide patience as well as doctors, rehabilitation managers and health insurance organizations based on the recommendations of an AI-model, which analyses millions of data points from several data sources in order to improve the individual rehabilitation journey of each and every patient in order to bring him back to work. The presentation will end with a vision of a digital, AI-driven-platform with a strong focus of sustainable and high-impact rehabilitation services not only applicable for Germany, but also for the UAE and other countries in the world.


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