About Journal
The International Journal for Autism Challenges & Solution is a scientific and peer-reviewed publication that focuses on the field of autism research, intervention, and support. It serves as a platform for researchers, clinicians, educators, and other professionals working in the autism community to share their knowledge, insights, and innovative approaches. IJACS is committed to advancing the understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and addressing the challenges associated with it. It publishes high-quality original research articles, systematic reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.
Latest Publications
GABAergic Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Collaborative Insights on Neurobiological Complexity
Authors: Geir Bjørklund, Afaf El-Ansary Journal: International Journal For Autism Challenges & Solution Publication Date: Vol 1 Issue 1 Keywords: Autism,
The relative usefulness of the identification and analysis of biomarkers for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in early childhood and the implementation of personalized precision medicine
Authors: Afaf El-Ansarya, Laila Al-Ayadhi b,c, Manan Al-Hakbany b, Veronika Polyakovad, Sergey Suchkov Journal: International Journal For Autism Challenges &
Maternal Immune Activation and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Complex Interactions and Therapeutic Possibilities
Authors: Geir Bjørklund, Ramesa Shafi Bhat, Afaf El-Ansary Journal: International Journal For Autism Challenges & Solution Publication Date: Vol 1 Issue
Objective & Scope
The aim of IJACS is to advance the knowledge and understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by providing a platform for researchers, practitioners, and professionals to share their research findings, insights, and innovative approaches. The journal strives to contribute to the field of autism research
and intervention, ultimately improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families. The journal aims to facilitate the dissemination of high-quality research on autism, including original research articles, systematic reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers. By publishing such content, it enables researchers to share their findings and contribute to the existing knowledge base. IJACS also aims to promote evidence-based practices in the field of autism by highlighting interventions, therapies, and educational strategies that have been proven effective through rigorous research. It seeks to bridge the gap between research and practice, facilitating the implementation of evidence-based approaches in clinical, educational, and community settings.
- Prof. Undurti N. Das – Clinical Immunologist and Rheumatologist and CEO and CSO UNDLife Life Sciences. Founding Editors Lipids in Health and Disease.
- H.E Abdulla Abdulalee Abdulla Al Humaidan – Deputy Editor Secretary-General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination
- Prof. Nagwa A Meguid – Prof. of Human Genetics, NRC Head of the CONEM Egypt Child Brain research Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (Egypt-Norway), UNESCO/ L’Oreal Laureate, Jury President UNESCO Woman in Science.
- Prof. Dr. Afaf El-Ansary – Professor, Member in Autism Research and Treatment Center, KSA, Scientific Consultant of Autism Center, Lotus Holistic Medical Center, UAE
- Prof. Andreas M. Grabrucker – Cellular Neurobiology and Neuro-Nanotechnology lab, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Health Research Institute (HRI), University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
- Prof. Laila Y Alayadhi – Professor and Consultant of Clinical Neurophysiology. Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University.
- Prof. Hanan A Alfawaz – Professor, Nutrition and Metabolism Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition College of Food & Agriculture Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Prof. Geir Bjørklund, MD – President, Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Mo i Rana, Norway
Author’s Guidelines
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Peer review is a procedure used to make sure that only high-quality scientific work is published. It has been embraced by all prominent scientific publications as an objective way to ensure excellence in scholarly publishing. All new submissions are peer reviewed according to the process detailed below since our referees are essential to upholding the high standards of the Emirates Scholar Journals. Initial assessment of the manuscript All submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by one of the editorial board members. An extraordinary manuscript might be accepted at this point, though it is uncommon. At this point, manuscripts are rejected because they lack sufficient originality, have significant scientific faults, use poor grammar or poor English, or fall outside the journal’s objectives and purview. Those who satisfy the minimal requirements are often sent to at least two professional referees for review. How the referee is chosen Referees are assigned to papers based on their areas of expertise whenever possible. We welcome recommendations from the author(s) for referees as our reviewer database is continually being updated, albeit such non-binding recommendations are not always followed. Referees are requested to assess the following in the manuscript:
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