Are you using a dating application? Perspectives on cyber matchmaking technology in Egypt
Authors: Monia Mohsen Mahmoud Fahmy
Conference: The 1st Media Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges
Keywords: Media, Cyber Matchmaking, Dating Applications, Egyptian Adults, Cultural Constraints, Perceptions
Websites and applications that match and connect individuals for marriage purposes are commonly used in the Western world; the use of internet-mediated services itself becomes a verified means undertaking the mainstream one. The idea of arranged marriage is subject to various pressures; for example, the diminishing of social networks and high aggregate complexity in the choice of a marital partner. Due to the dramatic increase of internet usage, there has been a various propagation of online dating application that allow people to meet and date in a cyber world, which is a new finding of life agreement services that are increasingly replacing and penetrating other commercial matchmaking media. This socialization method has been viewed to be either a bless or a curse depending on individuals’ opinions and experiences, due to , first, the tribulations that happens due to online dating and, second, the increase level of divorce rate among Egyptians. However, there have not been many previous investigations focusing on Egyptians and their usage of these applications. Cultural constraints, family and friends’ perspectives are obstacles encountering using of such applications. Some stereotypes are undermining the usage of such applications as well. This study aims to discover the perception of online dating in the Egyptian society; it will employ descriptive statistics using quantitative research methodology which involves the use of questionnaires as the research instrument. This paper aims to report the methods and findings of a survey that will administer to a sample of 122 Egyptian adults, with same demographics and backgrounds. In addition, the paper will provide quantitatively generated insights into the major themes reported by our participants related to the common approaches to cyber marriage, the current role of media, and social perception regarding cyber matchmaking and inclusion in this cultural context.