Counseling the Gifted at the South German Talent Centre – A Systemic Approach
Authors: Dr. Bettina Harder
Conference: 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference
Keywords: Diagnostic Process, Research and Fostering Programs, Monthly Online Symposia
The South German Talent Centre is one of the two European Talent Centres accredited by the European Talent Support Network (ETSN) in Germany. It subsumes several research and fostering programs, connects professionals in the field and organizes events like monthly online symposia with expert talks reaching several hundred educators and parents. All activities adopt a systemic perspective on talent development. Our individual counseling programs provide support to parents and their children from the age of three on, throughout the school career, up to early adulthood. The systemic counseling approach relies strongly on analyzing and promoting the necessary resources for a client’s desired development (e.g., exploring further developmental possibilities, solving specific problems). The counseling process is designed to create a learning path—a plan of procedure individually tailored to the client’s goal(s) and his/her learning system. The learning path is mutually designed after detailed diagnostics of the current situation and the desired changes taking into consideration the system’s constellation and interaction of forces therein. We then support its implementation over a period of 3 months in average by means of regular follow-up meetings ensuring that families overcome obstacles and finally reach their goal(s).