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Individual Counseling by mBET & mBETplus – Concept for Counseling the Gifted and Talented in Austria, Trends and Recommendations

Authors: Dr. Silke Rogl

Conference: 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference

Keywords: Meta-competencies, Development of Talent and Excellence, Support Interventions


Two concepts for individual counseling and support of gifted and talented have been developed by the NCoC ÖZBF. The multidimensional talent development tool mBET (Stahl, Rogl, & Schmid, 2016) addresses pupils from 2nd-6th grade. The mBET combines in two stages a pedagogical diagnostics with a solution-focused interview. Teachers carry out the mBET and use the semi-formal diagnostic tool (multi-perspective: teacher, parents, student) to plan and implement individual support interventions together with their students. In terms of a holistic and systemic concept of talent, the mBET observation-inquiry covers four areas of talent, school performance and five personality as well as environ-mental characteristics that are decisive for the development of talents. In addition, mBET contains a profile sheet for summarizing the observations and a support sheet for preparing and documenting the interviews. A solution-focused interview (Rogl, Schmid, & Stahl, 2013) as 2nd stage enables teachers to develop and target an individually adapted support, cooperatively designed with student and parents based on the specific strengths of the student. For students aged 12 to 19, the NCoC ÖZBF offers mBETplus (Stahl, Rogl, & Bögl, 2019): a solution-focused coaching that specifically addresses requirements for developing an area of expertise as personalized niche. It sharpens the development of talent and excellence including relevant meta-competencies (Olszewski-Kubilius, Subotnik, & Worrell, 2015; Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius, & Worrell, 2011). As an introductional framing, the situation of talent promotion in Austria is presented: the strategy paper of ÖZBF with the dynamic approach to talent development, recommendations for change in schools and universities.

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