Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

Creative Giftedness: What Is It, Why Is It Important, How Can We Detect and Nurture It?

Authors: Dr. Todd Lubart
Conference: 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference

Keywords: Creative Giftedness, Intellectual Potential, EPoC Battery (Evaluation of Potential Creativity)


This presentation will look at the concept of creative giftedness,also called high creative potential. This kind of potential refers to original thinking ability and is distinguished from high intellectual potential, measured by intelligence tests and related to “schoolhouse giftedness”. The history of high creative ability, and tools to detect it will be reviewed. Then, the EPoC battery (Evaluation of Potential Creativity) will be presented and its use to detect creative giftedness will be described. Finally, programs that can help develop high creative potential will be outlined.

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