Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

A Network Model of Gifted Education

Authors: Dr. Elena L. Grigorenko

Conference: 2nd World Giftedness Center International Conference

Keywords:  Gifted education, Educational experiences, Learning environments


In this presentation, Dr. Grigorenko will present her comments and illustrations on a distributed model of gifted education a network model of gifted education. This model assumes the presence of a network of centralized and local hubs, interconnected through both gifted and talented students and their mentors. The network assumes that both students and mentors need to be able and willing to work in both a concentrated environment (i.e., when they are brought together at a centralized hub for intense and relatively brief content­ and/or skill-driven interactions) and a dispersed environment (i.e., when they are brought back to their local hubs for systematic and prolonged interactions). The former is viewed as a network energizer, whereas the latter is a network stabilizer. The balanced approach to intensity, variety, and duration of educational experiences available through the network provides opportunities for gifted and talented students to crystallize their already-identified and developed and discover yet-to-be-identified and developed content competencies and performance skills.

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