Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

The best Practice in Advocacy for Gifted Education of Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

Authors: Dr. Jimmy K.Y Wong

Conference: 1st World Giftedness Center International Conference

Keywords: Gifted Education, STEM Education, Artificial Intelligence


Gifted children are often regarded as having exceptionally high intelligence, very focused, maybe great memory and sometimes very creative. But how will these gifted talents prepare these “super children” to excel in the age of the internet and artificial intelligence where the cost of computer memory is almost free and can be stalled in the “cloud” rather than in our head and where A.I. is challenging and even overtaking human intelligence in even corner of our work and life. Are these “gifts” enough for our talented students to stand out and excel in the fast rapidly changing world. In this paper, the author will share their recent practices in gifted education from the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education where off-school programs for 10 to 18 years old are provided. A holistic approached is taken in nurturing the most gifted students where both their cognitive and non-cognitive needs are taken care of. Focus will also be placed on STEM education where students are prepared to be the leaders in the fields of science and technology with the necessary 21st century skills equipped for these top talents to face the challenges out the future.

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