Emirates Scholar Research Center - Research Publishing & Indexing Center

The Effect Of Natural Honey On Hyperglycemia, Insulin, C Peptide, Lipid Disorders, And Cardiovascular Risk Factors In Diabetic Patients (Intervention In Clinical Practice)

Conference: 5th International Conference on Quality and Evidence Based in Prophetic Medicine

Keywords: Prophetic Medicine


Diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity and hypertension are the most common causes of cardiovascular and renal diseases. Honey is a natural sweetener containing sucrose, glucose, fructose, and many other protective agents such as antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids. Others and we have found that oral natural honey has a low glycemic index in normal and diabetic patients, and it decreases the level of cardiovascular risk factors such as C-reactive proteins, homocysteine and cholesterol. It increases insulin and C- peptide in diabetic patients. Interestingly, it decreases elevated insulin levels in normal individuals that are seen after eating compared to sucrose or artificial honey. This biological effect decreases the desire for more eating. Furthermore, our preclinical data showed that intravenous honey and honey inhalation have similar effects demonstrated by oral honey. More research work, particularly on the long-term effect of honey on diabetes mellitus, is warranted. Such studies are currently in progress in our facilities.

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