Safety Of Oral Administration Of PMF A Fraction Derived From Camel Urine: Acute Study On Mice
Conference: 4th International Conference In Prophetic Medicine Research
Keywords: Prophetic Medicine
Camels researches have attracted interest of scientists since the beginning of the 20th century. Camel urine, a natural product, has been used long time ago traditionally in the treatment of many diseases in Arabic countries without scientifically tested. To exploit the therapeutic potential of various ingredients, present in camel urine, evaluation of efficacy and safety profile is required. In the present study,
Biochemical analysis and complete blood picture (CPC) were investigated after oral administration in mice with PMF (a fraction extracted from camel urine). PMF was administered orally with the therapeutic dose of (0.75ul), two-times, four-times, and twenty-times of the therapeutic dose. Blood samples were collected from the orbital sinus of mice after 24 hours post-administration. Complete blood picture, liver function testes (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, TBIL and ALB). Kidney function testes (Na, K, Ca, Cl, TP, CREA, URECA, BUN, and PHOS) were measured and statistically analyzed. The results showed that PMF did not have any nephrototxic or hapatotoxic effects as indicated by the non-significant changes of values of both kidney and liver functions testes. Histopathology examination of liver and kidney tissues of mice administrated by PMF indicating that there are no alteration in the tissues architectures and pointed that PMF is a safe fraction even with high doses or long administration time of the therapeutic dose.